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 Car Battery Maintenance 101

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Join date : 2011-09-04

Car Battery Maintenance 101 Empty
PostSubject: Car Battery Maintenance 101   Car Battery Maintenance 101 EmptyMon Sep 19, 2011 1:07 pm

<! -- google_ad_section_start -->Every car comes with one, but some motorists stand for if this particular component entirely maintenance free. What am I talking about? Your car's battery. Technological advances have built "maintenance free" batteries standard equipment on virtually every vehicle produced today. However, the term "maintenance free" is mostly a misnomer, one that can leave you stranded if you do not perform proper and routine maintenance. Battery maintenance isn't difficult to do, so let's take a look at your skill to keep your family car running. Before discussing electric battery maintenance, please make sure that your battery is, in fact, the sealed type. If it isn't, then the "maintenance free" label certainly doesn't necessarily apply and you will need to add water on a regular basis. Unsealed batteries are simple to spot as they get hold of small vent caps on top of the battery which could be twisted open. You will have to periodically add distilled water to keep your water levels; more so on the summer months as water sometimes evaporate quicker. Do not let a battery run low or go out of water as the battery's cells might be ruined.
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If your battery is of the sealed variety, then the "maintenance free" label 's still only partially true because the term only extends to you personally not needing to add water to cells as you would which has an unsealed battery. With any type of car battery - closed or unsealed - you choose to do the following to help keep it working properly: 1. Clean the cables. Disconnect the cables from battery and clean them having a wire brush that has been doused in a home made mixture [the mixture combines one tablespoon of baking soda with one cup of water]. Use this same mixture to wash off the top of the battery; use a small and additionally clean paint brush to use the solution where called for. 2. Lubricate the reports. A small dab about petroleum jelly on each post will assist to keep your cables clean and without corrosion longer. In add-on, the jelly will make it easier for you to slip the cables to come back onto the battery. 3. Check connections. Besides the connection between your cable and the discussions, make sure that typically the battery hold down bar is securely available. Not all cars have or apparent battery hold down watering hole, but if yours comes with come so equipped, you will need to put it back within its proper place. That's it! Car battery maintenance is an easy task and one that should be performed on an twelve-monthly basis. If you keep the battery properly maintained, you will extend its life and lower the chance that a battery will fail anyone at an inopportune moment. Yes, the "maintenance free" listed is incorrect, so please don't be lulled into forgetting to try something that should for no reason be overlooked. Read about bourke parakeet and parakeet behavior inside the Talking Parakeet website. <! -- google_ad_section_end -->

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