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 British girls go there to generate ripped off.

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Join date : 2011-09-04

British girls go there to generate ripped off. Empty
PostSubject: British girls go there to generate ripped off.   British girls go there to generate ripped off. EmptyTue Oct 18, 2011 3:11 pm

It is well known that women make better drivers; that's why women's motor insurance is so cheap. But did you ever wonder whether a woman might make a better car mechanic?
Well, likelihood is that, no, you didn't. For most of women, a career in car repair is approximately as appealing a prospect collectively in plumbing, or decline collection. It took a Frenchman named Herve Malige to try the wondering for individuals, and, following that, to recruit some women and.
His unique project runs inside the Base 34 training centre, near Montpellier. This year's ingestion of 15 women, all of the aged between 22 plus 38, includes former weather hostesses, beauticians and a good nurse. They expect to masteral in June 2007 and hopefully found their particular repair business together.
That too may be unique; there are now no garages in The european countries run by an specifically female staff. The nearest all- female car repair business to Mr Malige is there to Montreal, Canada, and he wouldn't consider getting a service there: the mechanics insist every one their customers be women at the same time.
Herve explained why ladies are better inside bonnet, saying, 'What ought today [in mechanics] is rigour and methodical diagnostics. Women are strong at identifying what may cause breakdowns - they carefully check everything. '
Finding the bonnet relieve Herve's work demonstrates that women have the potential to outdo men in neuro-scientific car repairs in just the same way as we do on the roads.
But woefully a number of us are living as many as that potential.
In inescapable fact, one in ten female drivers the european union admitted she couldn't even get the bonnet release in them car, let alone check the oil or adjust a tyre. It's no wonder that women drivers' failure to basic checks has end up in almost a million malfunctions, according to motor insurer InsureandGo.
The problem isn't each of our ability - it's perhaps because level of comfort just aren't interested in what are the results beyond the steering train wheels and pedals. The majority of us leave repairs and maintenance about someone else, even if it indicates a trip to the garage or maybe a call to the break down firm.
But consider that we all spend £ 4 billion every year the european union on unsatisfactory repair work - that's influenced by an average £ 125 of your money wasted each time a job is botched, done unnecessarily or overcharged for - and you realise that there's a good grounds for getting a bit more suitable informed!
What we can do to prevent breakdowns Sometimes, women leave car repairs to men in their resides, when, as we've showed clearly, they're capable of doing any job by themselves. Of course, if dad, brother or guy isn't around, we all too readily spend expensive call-out fees for that breakdown mechanic; generally to try a job the standard woman could do through her eyes closed in the event that she just took a little interest in her car or truck.
For the seven , 000, 000 female motorists who say they know nothing whichever about car maintenance, femalefirst. corp. uk recommends your primary port of call have to be an often overlooked way to obtain info - the car's manually operated. This tell you quite a few dull but vital the specifics of tyre pressures, fuses, resource capacity, etc - stuff that'll get much more interesting as soon just like you break down!
Most manuals have a log section at the back where you can pay attention to fuel consumption and fuel consumption rate, and when certain website parts are due for replacement. Keeping this new takes care of most preventable breakdowns; it also ensures shipment get caught short with the petrol dial in debt again.
Need an engine oil change, fan belt, windscreen or dashboard wiper blade, etc? May appear to be a nightmare, but chances are swapping everyday consumables like these is quite easy. If you're feeling courageous, get hold of the Haynes manual for your car (http: //www. haynes. com), which explains methods to do it all thru straightforward language and easy-to-follow diagrams. Considering that - men can cope with it...
The trouble with garages Irrespective of how well you maintain your car, sooner or later you're bound to finish up taking it towards a garage - whether for an MOT, a service, or even repair job.
Unfortunately, a lot of us find visiting the auto centre about the maximum amount of fun as a visit to the dentist's. 57% for the women interviewed by InsureandGo said they felt intimidated in garages, and a whopping 84% supposed to be ripped-off.
Sadly, both these fears are born out because of a substantial body of client surveys and mystery customer research.
In 2002, the Department for Trade and Industry (DTI) implemented a mystery shopper online survey that involved putting test cars in for a service at three hundred UK garages. It's alarming enough that, in 40% regarding cases, mechanics didn't bother to convey the cars a full service before handing individuals back; but it's particularly alarming of the fact that figure rose to 58% if the researcher was a lovely women.
So, besides breaking down a lot more often than other drivers, the seven million women who am not aware of anything about their autos are leaving themselves susceptible to the botching and overcharging involving unscrupulous mechanics.
The DTI figures prove garages target women for crooked mark-ups since they know they'll away with it - which is the reason four out of five women be ready to be ripped off.
Over again, the obvious solution for girls drivers is more information about their cars. Which, you've a much better chance of getting the ten-point assessment you paid for rather than the three-point one they could quite possibly only be bothered to perform.
What we can do at the garage Reports by that National Consumer Council suggests that two factors, specific to car repair industry, mean motorists are at risk from being exploited when traveling to a garage.
First of the, we don't know the maximum amount of about the car as being the mechanic does. If he says an occupation or replacement part can be an essential, we have no choice but to meet it; if he misses a good fault or fluffs some sort of repair, we have ugh of knowing about it all.
To take care of your panic buying factor, spend as much time also . afford shopping around for quotes against your job. Ask the garage you choosed confirm the estimate in writing so you avoid any unpleasant price-hikes once the work is done.
First of all, try to be calm and self-assured at the garage. If you suspect you're being duped, say too much. Even if the mechanic is charging a reasonable price, he won't begrudge everyone for questioning it. And be afraid to vanish from a garage. Considering that, with 26, 000 car repairing outlets in that country, there's plenty more fish on the sea.
To recap... Individuals knew women make superior drivers; now we know they make better mechanics, too. It doesn't mean you will have to put on overalls and invest in some nice spanners, but there's no excuse don't dust off the manual and a bit about your car.
Just a basic knowledge of car maintenance will dramatically cut down the numerous trips you make into a garage - and it'll mean you get good service and a fair price when you accomplish visit one.
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